airbrush miscellaneous illustrations to the fantasy cycle 'Shaktyri' illustrations to the fantasy cycle 'Lila' airbrush step by step

Illustrations to "Shaktyri"

Beg for mercy The Boat Alishara Fateful Telegram Who is the Hunter? In Sicherheit tragen Life-or-death struggle attack of the dragon riders Defeat of the sorceress Lissas Tagtraum Duel in Tustum Princess Lissa Lissa in prison

Lissa in big trouble eerie village Attack at Princess Lissa Flight Zakhythenjagd Angrif des Gumboth Eskia should be sacrificed to the snake-god Kreatol Eskia Convict of the dark brotherhood of Darrak Battle of the Maghiri Dangerous Jump

Verrat Two Hexenprobe The Hunter The curse of Darrak Lophotrochozoae Magia albuminous meal Air Battle Ambush The Downfall of Shak Eskia versus Cereth Fight on the bridge over the Xedo river

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